
Marchini Curran can advise on a wide range of aspects of the planning system, including site appraisals; strategy setting; promotion of planning applications and if necessary, planning appeals; planning policy matters including promoting sites through the Local Plan process, and the preparation of supporting evidence. Our approach is to seek to work in partnership with Local Authorities to improve certainty and deliver positive outcomes.

We are part of a broadly-based, multi-disciplinary team, with specialised divisions ready to provide dedicated services in the fields of planning, architecture, engineering, and interiors.

Marchini Curran Planning provides expert planning input to all stages of the development process, from feasibility through to the securing of planning permission and management of appeals.

We input into the initial appraisal of sites, advising on the full range of planning considerations and engaging in pre-application discussion with Local Planning Authorities where appropriate.


We advise on the content and presentation of planning applications, working with associate companies and other consultants to provide everything needed to support your application. We will prepare Planning Statements and Design and Access Statement and coordinate input from other technical fields, acting as lead consultant and managing all communications with the Local Planning Authority. Where required, we can organise and take part in community consultation events.

Once planning permission has been secured, we can assist in the discharge and variation of conditions as developments progress to and through the construction phase. Where issues arise, we can manage the process of making a planning appeal.

We also monitor Development Plans and can promote sites and lodge representations on behalf of clients.


Associate Companies

As part of our commitment to a broadly based, multi-disciplinary approach, we have specialist divisions ready to provide dedicated service in the fields for Architecture and Interiors. Click on the company logo for further details.